What is going on for you?

What is going on for you?

Are you feeling it too, major transformation forces at work for all of us? For certain I am personally in the midst of a whirlwind of energies having traveled back to Tuscany arriving at a house where I hadn’t been before. With my delayed return due to COVID, my...
Choose your words…

Choose your words…

I am in an on-going journey to learn to be a master of my mind, my thoughts, my actions and my deeds. Yes, it is a great goal but don’t get me wrong, it is also selfish. Please allow me to me explain what I mean. I have learned of the power of words both unspoken and...
What is a soulmate?

What is a soulmate?

What is a soulmate? I am sure you’ve heard many say they’d like to find their soulmate, but do we know what a soulmate really is? And how does it differ from our twin flame? A soul mate is a person for which your soul is attracted to their spiritual...
The Healing Journey

The Healing Journey

The healing journey is a deep thorough 360-degree journey. Healing emotional and physical pain implies going deep into our souls to the original trauma and revisiting from the safe place where we are now, embracing it, loving and letting go. The healing journey is of...
Holding a grudge

Holding a grudge

Did you know that holding a grudge can be beneficial to you? I am serious. This is a discovery from the last years of my life. I don’t call it holding a grudge, I call it “simmering”. Grudges are a part of many people’s lives; people...