Choose your words…

Choose your words…

I am in an on-going journey to learn to be a master of my mind, my thoughts, my actions and my deeds. Yes, it is a great goal but don’t get me wrong, it is also selfish. Please allow me to me explain what I mean. I have learned of the power of words both unspoken and...
You do you!

You do you!

I was recently at the Women’s Leadership Conference in Las Vegas. I had 2 days to be among 1500 women and listen to a dozen women speak from stage. I laughed, cried and was very inspired by each one of them in a different way. Can you guess what was their common...
Up an at em

Up an at em

Up an at ’em gurl! How do you feely today? How comfortable are you with where you are at in your life today? You may be super happy really surfing the wave of your life or you may have a few or many areas of your life where you wish things were different. I hear...
Testimonial “Carol Bartomeo”

Testimonial “Carol Bartomeo”

To have Valerie as a coach and healer was a unique experience that left me empowered. When I started the coaching process, I was at a turning point in my life, in which I had been released from my job (I was a teacher for 25 years), I had just closed a 25-year-old...
Testimonianza de Marianela Kopinic

Testimonianza de Marianela Kopinic

Hoy me siento a mirar el tiempo recorrido juntas…y mi sensación es de un GRACIAS INFINITO. Siento gratitud por tu calidez, tu sensibilidad, tu profesionalismo, tu compromiso y el respeto por mis procesos en cada uno de los encuentros. Fuiste ESPEJO, mostrándome...